Our most popular item
This Rotator Rod with a Brushed Nickel Cap and Accent Ball is our biggest seller with its elegant satin finish!
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No-Drill Adapters
Made exclusively for the Rotator Rod, it's the only permanent mount available for a shower rod without drillling!
This patented technology was originally created for the aeronautics industry so you know it’s durable in the warm monist conditions of your bathroom. It goes up in minutes and after it cures for 12 hours you can snap your Rotator Rod in place and enjoy your new-found space and luxury. It’s made for hard surfaces: tile, stone, marble and fiberglass – in short, anything that can’t peel.
Who will benefit from a Rotator Rod?
Everyone, of course!
Seriously, people who want the added space of a curved rod but don't want to give up precious bathroom space will LOVE this!
Anyone with tile, stone or fiberglass who doesn't want to drill, this is your only alternative to a tension rod...and we all know that use and gravity eventually bring tension rods down.
Who should NOT purchase a Rotator Rod?
Anyone with a drop ceiling that will not allow for the 9 inch clearance needed for the Rotator Rod to flip up-and-over.
People whose tub/shower openings are less than 40" or greater than 60"
Will my Rotator Rod rust?
No! The Rotator Rod is made of 22 g stainless steel and we have never had one reported to rust.
How adjustable is the Rotator Rod?
Well, a standard 60" tub is not really a full 60 inches. After drywall and tile are in place the typical tub ends up measuring between 58.5 and 60 inches. The exception is the all-in-one surround enclosures. They do tend to be a true 60 inches. There is a 1 1/2 inch adjustment allowance to the rod. At each end there are retractable inserts that slide in and out for this purpose.
Some may ask why it's not telescopic like most other rods and the answer is two fold. First, a telescopic rod has play in it. That is, it's not solid so the act of rotation over time makes the rod sag. The second reason is because it's a real pet peeve of mine when I pull the curtain back and forth and the rings either jump off the rod or get hung up there because of that ledge in the middle! Grrrrrr. Since I was doing the designing I got to make it better! Creating a 2-piece rod with a 'no bump' feature was one of the most challenging parts of this project!