Luxurious Spa Trends: Anti-Aging Wine Bath – Rotator Rod

Luxurious Spa Trends: Anti-Aging Wine Bath

A glass of wine or champagne is a decadent and luxurious way to relax... especially after a stressful day! As a bonus, the health benefits of a glass of wine are constantly making headlines. Some famous spas around the world are taking the concept of a healthy glass of wine a step further by offering a wine bath, which is a warm bath with a bottle of wine poured into the bathwater. But why waste good wine?!? 

Luxurious Spa Trends- Anti-Aging Wine Bath from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod
Photo courtesy of Windham Hill Inn
Luxurious Spa Trends- Anti-Aging Wine Bath from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod
Photo courtesy of Eco Spa Village in Vietnam
Well, wine is a natural skin softener. It is also rich in the antioxidant polyphenol, which combats free radicals and slows the aging process! Wine can also cleanse pores and reduce their appearance. Even the Desperate Housewife Terri Hatcher has revealed in interviews the wine bath is one way she always looks fabulous! The Ritz-Carlton in Santiago, Chile, can provide a decadent wine bath for its guests, below. 

Luxurious Spa Trends- Anti-Aging Wine Bath from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

Either red or white wine will work for a wine bath because they both carry the same anti-aging properties. Some spas, including the Cadogan Hotel in London, even offer a champagne bath for the ultra-luxurious! Champagne has all the benefits of wine plus the tartaric acid, which exfoliates the skin and can reduce skin discoloration and fine lines. Doesn't this champagne bath featured on Prague Fashion Scene look heavenly?

Luxurious Spa Trends- Anti-Aging Wine Bath from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

This is a great way to use opened wine that has past its prime or champagne that has gone flat. Simply add a glass or more to bathwater and enjoy! And don't worry: a wine bath will not dye your skin or bath tub! 

The Yunessun Spa Resort in Japan takes the wine bath to an extreme by filling a small pool with red wine, below.

Luxurious Spa Trends- Anti-Aging Wine Bath from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

So what do you think about the anti-aging wine bath? Will you try it out this weekend?


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