Apartment Managers can now buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through – Rotator Rod

Apartment Managers can now buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply

We have exciting news for Rotator Rod fans living in apartment communities! 

Apartment Managers Can Now Buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

The Rotator Rod, The Curved Shower Rod that Rotates, is now available for purchase through distributor Chadwell Supply. The company is one of the largest MRO vendors to multi-family housing properties in the nation. We hope this partnership helps put an end to cramped apartment bathrooms for good!

Apartment Managers Can Now Buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod


Like traditional curved shower rods, The Rotator Rod provides 33% more space in the shower. Unlike traditional curved shower rods, The Rotator Rod can then be effortlessly flipped out of the way to create a roomier bathroom! “Many of our customers refer to it as “a bathroom remodel in a box!” inventor and CEO Colleen O’Connell says. 


Apartment Managers Can Now Buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod


The innovative shower rod is unlike anything else on the market. The Rotator Rod is the perfect space-saving product for apartment managers and property owners looking to upgrade their bathrooms quickly and easily for a fraction of the cost of renovation. It is the only product  in the world that creates 27 cubic feet of flexible bathroom and shower space!


Apartment Managers Can Now Buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod


It is also perfect for all types of multi-family housing:

  • Older buildings needing efficient space
  • Building renovations
  • Remodeling
  • New construction
  • Hotels
  • Micro housing
  • Student housing


Apartment Managers Can Now Buy Space-Saving Curved Shower Rod through Chadwell Supply from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

The space-saving shower rod is used exclusively in several apartment communities throughout the country including 300 At The Circle in Lexington, Kentucky (pictured above), and Panoramic Residences in San Francisco, California. Several communities owned by Barrington Group Inc. are gradually swapping out their outdated shower rods for Rotator Rods, too. They include Four Winds Apartments in Indiana (whose gorgeous bathroom is the first pictured in this article!), Auburn Heights in Missouri, Battlecreek Village in Georgia, and Carnaby Village and Conine Village in Ohio.

Are you resident who is sick of your small apartment bathroom? Are you an apartment manager or multi-family housing property owner who is looking for a space-saving fix for the small, outdated bathrooms in your apartment communities?

Contact us today by clicking HERE or you can contact Chadwell Supply by clicking HERE. Be sure to mention The Rotator Rod and where you heard of it!


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