Selling "The Shack," Toronto's 210-Square Foot Microhouse – Rotator Rod

Selling "The Shack," Toronto's 210-Square Foot Microhouse

In a major city centre one won't normally expect to find a home for sale with a price tag of only $229,000. Right??? Well, one "lucky" individual in Toronto sure did! 

Coming in at 28 percent below asking price, "The Shack" located on Hanson Street in Downtown Toronto is a 210-square foot converted garage nestled in an unfathomably tiny 14x20 foot lot. To put things in perspective, this house doesn't even have a bathroom or kitchen. That's right, someone purchased a home, without essential amenities,  for $250 per square foot more than the city average. THAT'S JUST BONKERS!!!!!

Here are some photos from inside "The Shack."
This is the Foyer.

This Is "The Living Room."
And What I Think Is The Bedroom.
If you ask me, the buyer of this property should have spent a little more and bought himself a modest condo.

What are your thoughts on "The Shack?" Could you live in a house that tiny?


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