The Rotator Rod Provides Benefits No Other Rod Can Because it MOVES Like No Other Rod Does

- Flips back out of the way when you're not in the shower
- Expands your BATHROOM space when it's flipped back
- Drip-Dry your clothes into the tub, not on the floor
- 22 g stainless steel will not rust
- "Smooth-Glide" rod design eliminates center bump where curtain gets hung up
- Exclusive NO-DRILL Adapters available - mount without drilling into tile, stone or fiberglass
- Cleaner, fresher bath - shower liner drys quickly because it hangs away from tub wall preventing pooling where mold and mildew fester
- Custom sizes available on order
This Blog Was Brought To You By Rotator Rod.
The Unique Curved Shower Rod That Moves In and Out
Giving You Expanded Shower Space, a Roomier Bathroom and Much More.