Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Sho – Rotator Rod

Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod

Are you sick of your small shower but can't afford the money and hassle of moving or remodeling? It's time to catch on to a bathroom design trend that's sweeping homes across the nation -- the curved shower curtain rod! They are inexpensive, easy to install, and the curvature of a curved shower rod is guaranteed to give you more room in the shower. Remember, it is THE bathroom accessory for 2014!

 chic beach cottage bathroom with anchor shower curtain on a curved shower rod... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

cute white and blue tiled shower with white shower curtain on a curved shower rod... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

Just changing your straight shower rod to a curved model can provide up to 33% more room in your shower! That extra elbow room gives you a much more enjoyable and luxurious shower experience, even in the smallest of bathrooms. A curved shower rod can also reduce splashing outside the shower and ensure that cold, damp shower curtain doesn't stick to your skin. Just look at the shower space you gain with these pictures from Fish Prop and Reader's Digest.

 beautiful black & white bathroom with a curved shower curtain rod... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

lovely purple bathroom with embroidered floral shower curtain on a curved shower rod... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

There are so many reasons why the curved shower curtain rod is surging in popularity. It instantly transforms any shower space without having to do an extensive and expensive bathroom renovation. Not only does it expand your shower space, the curved shape makes small bathrooms look bigger! The curved shower rod is the perfect mix of function and aesthetic, just like these serene, sophisticated bathrooms from Newly Woodwards and Tracy Interiors, above, and Designer's Point, below.

 luxurious beige shower with built in shelf & curved shower rod... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod 

Are you worried that a curved shower rod will jut into the rest of your bathroom space? Then the Rotator Rod is the perfect solution for you because it is a curved shower curtain rod that rotates! The Rotator Rod gives you the luxury of a curved shower curtain rod while you are in the shower but then rotates into the tub -- and out of your way -- while you use the rest of the bathroom! It's innovative design lets you expand your bathroom space OR your shower space with the flick of your wrist while Rotator Rod's innovative No-Drill Adaptor ensure you won't ruin your shower tile. Plus, you can easily take it with you if you move!


The Rotator Rod curved shower rod that rotates!... Quick Fix Bathroom Ideas: Expand Shower Space Easily with a Curved Shower Rod from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod 


So what are you waiting for?! Upgrade your bathroom and order a luxurious curved shower rod today!


Do you have questions about curved shower rods? Do you already have one in your bathroom? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!


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